Referred Publications
- Liu, H., K. H. Yoo, A. L. Boehman, Z. Zheng. Experimental study of auto-ignition characteristics of ethanol effect on the biodiesel/n-heptane blend in a motored engine and a constant-volume combustion chamber. Accepted for publication in Energy & Fuels (2018).
- Yehliu, K., G.K. Lilik, R. L. Vander Wal, C. Sun, A.L. Boehman. Impacts of Advanced Diesel Combustion Operation on Soot Nanostructure and Reactivity, International Journal of Engine Research, 18(5-6), 532-542 (2017).
- Agudelo, J. R., M. Lapuerta, O. Moyer, A.L. Boehman. Autoignition of Alcohol/C7-Esters/n-Heptane Blends in a Motored Engine under HCCI Conditions. Energy & Fuels, 31:3, 2985–2995 (2017). doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b00059.
- Han, T., Lavoie, G., Wooldridge, M., Boehman, A. Effect of Syngas (H2/CO) on SI Engine Knock under Boosted EGR and Lean Conditions. SAE International Journal of Engines 10:3, (2017). doi: 10.4271/2017-01-0670.
- O’Connor, J., M. Borz, D. Ruth, J. Han, C. Paul, A. Imren, D. Haworth, J. Martin, A. Boehman, J. Li, K. Heffelfinger, S. McLaughlin, R. Morton, A. Andersson and A. Karlsson. Optimization of an Advanced Combustion Strategy Towards 55% BTE for the Volvo SuperTruck Program. SAE International Journal of Engines, 10:3, (2017). doi:10.4271/2017-01-0723.
- Kang, D., S.V. Bohac, A.L. Boehman, S. Cheng, Y. Yang and M.J. Brear. Autoignition Studies of C5 Isomers in a Motored Engine. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36:3, 3597–3604 (2017).
- Cheng, S., Y. Yang, M.J. Brear, D. Kang, S. Bohac, A.L. Boehman. Autoignition of Pentane Isomers in a Spark-ignition Engine. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36:3, 3499–3506 (2017).
- Kang, D., V. Kalaskar, D. Kim, J. Martz, A. Violi, A. Boehman. Experimental Study of Autoignition Characteristics of Jet-A Surrogates and their Validation in a Motored Engine and a Constant-Volume Combustion Chamber. Fuel, 184, 565-580 (2016).
- Sun, C., D. Kang, S.V. Bohac and A.L. Boehman. Impact of Fuel and Injection Timing on Partially Premixed Charge Compression Ignition Combustion. Energy & Fuels, 30, 4331−4345 (2016).
- Barrientos, E.J., J.E. Anderson, M.M. Maricq and A.L. Boehman. Particulate Matter Indices Using Fuel Smoke Point for Vehicle Emissions with Gasoline, Ethanol Blends, and Butanol Blends. Combustion and Flame, 167, 308–319 (2016).
- Ye, P., C. Sun, M. Lapuerta, J. Agudelo, R. Vander Wal, A.L. Boehman, T.J Toops and S. Daw. Impact of Rail Pressure and Biodiesel Fueling on the Particulate Morphology and Soot Nanostructures from a Common-Rail Turbocharged Direct Injection Diesel Engine. International Journal of Engine Research, 17, 193–208 (2016).
- Mayo, M.P. and A.L. Boehman. Ignition Behavior of Biodiesel and Diesel under Reduced Oxygen Atmospheres. Energy & Fuels 29, 6793−6803 (2015).
- Kang, D., G. Lilik, V. Dillstrom, J. Agudelo, M. Lapuerta, K. Al-Qurashi and A. Boehman. Impact of Branched Structures on Cycloalkane Ignition in a Motored Engine: Detailed Product and Conformational Analyses. Combustion and Flame, 162, 877-892 (2015).
- Prabhakar, B., S. Jayaraman, R. Vander Wal and A. Boehman. Experimental Studies of High Efficiency Combustion with Fumigation of DME and Propane into Diesel Engine Intake Air. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(4), 041505-041514, (2015). doi: 10.1115/1.4028616
- Kang, D., S. Kirby, J. Agudelo, M. Lapuerta, K. Al-Qurashi and A.L. Boehman. Combined Impact of Branching and Unsaturation on the Autoignition of Binary Blends in a Motored Engine. Energy & Fuels, 28, 7203-7215 (2014).
- Perez, P.L. and A.L. Boehman. Effects of the Chemical Structure and Composition of Surrogate Gasoline Fuels on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Combustion in a Single-Cylinder Engine. Energy & Fuels, 28, 3377-3390 (2014).
- Barrientos, E. J., M. Lapuerta, and A.L. Boehman. Group Additivity in Soot Formation for the Example of C-5 Oxygenated Hydrocarbon Fuels. Combustion and Flame, 160, 1484-1498 (2013).
- Lapuerta, M., J. Rodríguez-Fernández, J.R. Agudelo and A.L. Boehman. Blending Scenarios for Soybean Oil Derived Biofuels with Conventional Diesel. Biomass and Bioenergy, 49, 74-85, (2013).
- Seong, H.-J. and A.L. Boehman. Evaluation of Raman Parameters Using Visible Raman Microscopy for Soot Oxidative Reactivity. Energy & Fuels, 27, 1613–1624 (2013).
- Lilik, G.K. and A.L. Boehman. Effects of Fuel Composition on Critical Equivalence Ratio for Autoignition. Energy & Fuels, 27, 1601–1612 (2013).
- Lilik, G.K. and A.L. Boehman. Effects of Fuel Ignition Quality on Critical Equivalence Ratio for Autoignition. Energy & Fuels, 27, 1586–1600 (2013).
- Prabhakar, B. and A.L. Boehman. Effect of Engine Operating Conditions and Coolant Temperature on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Deposits From an Automotive Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooler. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 135, 022801-1-9 (2013).
- Zhang, Y. and A.L. Boehman. Oxidation Behavior of Soot Generated from the Combustion of Methyl 2-Butenoate in a Co-Flow Diffusion Flame. Combustion and Flame, 160, 112–119 (2013).
- Yehliu, K., O. Armas, R. L. Vander Wal, A.L. Boehman. Impact of Engine Operating Modes and Combustion Phasing on the Reactivity of Diesel Soot. Combustion and Flame, 160, 682–691 (2013).
- Ye, P. and A.L. Boehman. Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Post-injection on Emissions, Combustion and Lubricant Dilution in a Diesel Engine with B20 Fuel. International Journal of Engine Research, 14(1), 12–22 (2013).
- Yehliu, K., R. L. Vander Wal, O. Armas, A.L. Boehman. Impact of Fuel Formulation on the Nanostructure and Reactivity of Diesel Soot. Combustion and Flame, 159, 3597–3606 (2012).
- Gomez, A., O. Armas, G.K. Lilik and A. Boehman. Estimation of Volatile Organic Emission Based on Diesel Particle Size Distributions. Measurement Science and Technology, 23, 105305 (9pp) doi:10.1088/0957-0233/23/10/105305 (2012).
- Perez, P.L. and A.L. Boehman. Experimental Investigation of the Autoignition Behavior of Surrogate Gasoline Fuels in a Constant-Volume Combustion Bomb Apparatus and Its Relevance to HCCI Combustion. Energy & Fuels, (2012).
- Al-Qurashi, K., Y. Zhang, and A.L. Boehman. Impact of Intake CO2 Addition and Exhaust Gas Recirculation on NOx Emissions and Soot Reactivity in a Common Rail Diesel Engine. Energy & Fuels, (2012).
- Ye, P. and A.L. Boehman. An Investigation of the Impact of Injection Strategy and Biodiesel on Engine NOx and Particulate Matter Emissions with a Common-Rail Turbocharged DI Diesel Engine. Fuel, 97, 476-488 (2012).
- Seong, H.-J., A.L. Boehman. Studies of Soot Oxidative Reactivity Using a Diffusion Flame Burner. Combustion and Flame, 159, 1864-1875 (2012).
- Zhang, Y., A. L. Boehman. Autoignition of Binary Fuel Blends of n-Heptane and C7 Esters in a Motored Engine. Combustion and Flame, 159, 1619–1630 (2012).
- Esangbedo, C., J.M. Perez, and A.L. Boehman. Characteristics of Diesel Engine Soot that Lead to Excessive Oil Thickening. Tribology International, 47, 194–203 (2012).
- Lapuerta, M. J.R. Agudelo, M. Prorok and A.L. Boehman. Bulk Modulus of Compressibility of Diesel/Biodiesel/HVO Blends. Energy & Fuels, 26, 1336−1343 (2012).
- Lapuerta, M., F. Oliva, J.R. Agudelo, and A.L. Boehman. Effect of Fuel on the Soot Nanostructure and Consequences on Loading and Regeneration of Diesel Particulate Filters. Combustion and Flame, 159, 844–853 (2012).
- Lapuerta, M., M. Villajos, J.R. Agudelo, and A.L. Boehman. Key Properties and Blending Strategies of Hydrotreated Vegetable oil as Biofuel for Diesel Engines. Fuel Processing Technology, 92, 2406–2411 (2011).
- Yehliu, K., R.L. Vander Wal and A.L. Boehman. A Comparison of Soot Nanostructure Obtained using Two High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Image Analysis Algorithms. Carbon, 49, 4256–4268 (2011).
- Armas, O., M.A. Gómez, E. Barrientos, and A.L. Boehman. Estimation of Opacity Tendency of Ethanol- and Biodiesel-Diesel Blends by Means of the Smoke Point Technique. Energy & Fuels, 25, 3283–3288 (2011).
- Yehliu, K., R.L. Vander Wal and A.L. Boehman. Development of an HRTEM Image Analysis Method to Quantify Carbon Nanostructure. Combustion and Flame, 158, 1837-1851 (2011).
- Lilik, G. K. and A.L. Boehman. Advanced Diesel Combustion of a High Cetane Number Fuel with Low Hydrocarbon and Carbon Monoxide Emissions. Energy & Fuels, 25, 1444–1456 (2011).
- Al-Qurashi, K. A.D. Lueking and A.L. Boehman. The Deconvolution of the Thermal, Dilution, and Chemical Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on the Reactivity of Engine and Flame Soot. Combustion and Flame, 158, 1696-1704 (2011).
- Seong, H.-J. and A.L. Boehman. Impact of Intake Oxygen Enrichment on Oxidative Reactivity and Properties of Diesel Soot. Energy & Fuels, 25, 602–616 (2011).
- Yang, Y., A.L. Boehman and J. Simmie. Uniqueness in the Low Temperature Oxidation of Cycloalkanes. Combustion and Flame, 157, 2357–2368 (2010).
- Yang, Y., A.L. Boehman and J. Simmie. Effects of Molecular Structure on Oxidation Reactivity of Cyclic Hydrocarbons:Experimental Observations and Conformational Analysis. Combustion and Flame, 157, 2369–2379 (2010).
- Ye, P. and A.L. Boehman. Investigation of the Impact of Engine Injection Strategy on the Biodiesel NOx Effect with a Common-Rail Turbocharged Direct Injection Diesel Engine. Energy & Fuels, 24, 4215–4225 (2010).
- Zhang, Y. and A.L. Boehman. Oxidation of 1-Butanol and a Mixture of n-Heptane/1-Butanol in a Motored Engine. Combustion and Flame, 157, 1816–1824 (2010).
- Barrientos, E.J. and A.L. Boehman. Examination of the Sooting Tendency of Three-Ring Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Saturated Counterparts. Energy & Fuels, 24, 3479–3487 (2010).
- Song, J., C.-H. Jeon and A.L. Boehman. Impacts of Oxygen Diffusion on the Combustion Rate of In-Bed Soot Particles. Energy & Fuels, 24, 2418–2428 (2010). DOI:10.1021/ef900692m.
- Lilik, G.K., H. Zhang, J. M. Herreros, D.C. Haworth and A.L. Boehman. Hydrogen Assisted Diesel Combustion, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35, 4382 – 4398 (2010).
- Perez, P. and A.L. Boehman. Performance of a Single-cylinder Diesel Engine using Oxygen-enriched Intake Air at Simulated High-altitude Conditions. Aerospace Science and Technology, 14, 83–94 (2010).
- Yang, Y. and A.L. Boehman. Oxidation Chemistry of Cyclic Hydrocarbons in a Motored Engine: Methylcyclopentane, Tetralin, and Decalin Combustion & Flame, 157, 495–505 (2010).
- Zhang, Y. and A.L. Boehman. Experimental Study of the Autoignition of C8H16O2 Ethyl and Methyl Esters in a Motored Engine. Combustion & Flame, 157, 546–555 (2010).
- Armas, O., K. Yehliu and A.L. Boehman. Effect of Alternative Fuels on Exhaust Emissions during Diesel Engine Operation with Matched Combustion Phasing. Fuel, 89, 438–456 (2010).
- Yehliu, K., A.L. Boehman and O. Armas. Emissions from Different Alternative Diesel Fuels Operating with Single and Split Fuel Injection. Fuel, 89, 423–437 (2010).
- Heyne, J.S., A. L. Boehman and S. Kirby. Autoignition Studies of trans- and cis-Decalin in an Ignition Quality Tester (IQT) and the Development of a High Thermal Stability Unifuel/Single Battlefield Fuel. Energy & Fuels, 23(12), 5879–5885 (2009).
- Mueller, C.J., A.L. Boehman and G.C. Martin. An Experimental Investigation of the Origin of Increased NOx Emissions When Fueling a Heavy-Duty Compression-Ignition Engine with Soy Biodiesel. SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr., 2(1), 798-816 (2009).
- Zhang, Y., Y. Yang and A.L. Boehman, Premixed Ignition Behavior of C9 Fatty Acid Esters: A Motored Engine Study. Combustion & Flame, 156, 1202–1213 (2009).
- Lilik, G.K., J. Martín Herreros and A.L. Boehman. Advanced Combustion Operation in a Compression Ignition Engine. Energy Fuels, 23, 143-150 (2009).
- Perez, P. and A.L. Boehman. Experimental Study of Oxygen-Enriched Diesel Combustion Using Simulated Exhaust Gas Recirculation. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 131, 042802-1-11 (2009)
- Yang, Y. and A.L. Boehman. Experimental Study of Cyclohexane and Methylcyclohexane Oxidation at Low to Intermediate Temperature in a Motored Engine. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32, 419-426 (2009).
- Al-Qurashi, K. and A.L. Boehman. Impact of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on the Oxidative Reactivity of Diesel Engine Soot. Combustion and Flame, 155, 675-695 (2008).
- Pepiot-Desjardins, P., H. Pitsch, R. Malhotra, S. Kirby, A.L. Boehman. Structural group analysis for soot reduction tendency of oxygenated fuels. Combustion and Flame, 154, 191–205 (2008).
- Chapman, E.M. and A.L. Boehman. Pilot Ignited Premixed Combustion of Dimethyl Ether in a Turbodiesel Engine. Fuel Processing Technology, 89, 1262–1271 (2008).
- Boehman, A.L. and O. Le Corre. Combustion of Syngas in Internal Combustion Engines. Combustion Science & Technology, 180, 1193-1206 (2008).
- Perez, P.L., A. Boehman and J. Perez. Oil Consumption Studies in a Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Solid-Film Lubricants. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 222, 543-600 (2008).
- Zhang, Y. and A.L. Boehman. Impact of Biodiesel on NOx Emissions in a Common Rail DI Diesel Engine. Energy & Fuel, 21, 2003-2012 (2007).
- Szybist, J., J. Song, M. Alam, A.L. Boehman. Biodiesel Combustion, Emissions and Emission Control. Fuel Processing Technology, 88, 679-691 (2007).
- Song, J., M. Alam and A.L. Boehman. Impact of Alternative Fuels on Soot Properties and DPF Regeneration. Combustion Science & Technology, 179, 1991–2037 (2007).
- Yang, Y., R.J. Santoro and A.L. Boehman. A Study of Jet Fuel Sooting Tendency using the Threshold Sooting Index (TSI) Model. Combustion and Flame, 149, 191–205 (2007).
- Szybist, J., A.L. Boehman, D. C. Haworth, and H. Koga. Premixed Ignition Behavior of Alternative Diesel Fuel-Relevant Compounds in a Motored Engine Experiment. Combustion and Flame, 149, 112–128 (2007).
- Alam. M., J. Song, V. Zello, and A.L. Boehman. Spray and Combustion Visualization of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine Operated with Various Fuel Blends. International Journal of Engine Research, 7, 503-521 (2006).
- Song, J., M. Alam, A.L. Boehman and U. Kim. Examination of the Oxidation Behavior of Biodiesel Soot. Combustion and Flame, 146, 589-604 (2006).
- Song, J., J. Wang and A.L. Boehman. The Role of Fuel Borne Catalyst in Diesel Particulate Oxidation Behavior. Combustion & Flame, 146, 73-84 (2006).
- Boehman, A.L., J. Song, and M. Alam. Impact of Biodiesel Blending on Diesel Soot and the Regeneration of Particulate Filters. Energy & Fuels, 19, 1857-1864 (2005).
- Szybist, J. P., A.L. Boehman, J.D. Taylor and R.L. McCormick. Evaluation of Formulation Strategies to Eliminate the Biodiesel NOx Effect. Fuel Processing Technology, 86, 1109-1126 (2005).
- Boehman, A.L. Foreword: Biodiesel Processing and Production. Fuel Processing Technology, 86, 1057– 1058 (2005).
- Szybist, J. P., S.R. Kirby and A.L. Boehman. NOx Emissions of Alternative Diesel Fuels: A Comparative Analysis of Biodiesel and FT Diesel. Energy & Fuels, 19, 1484-1492 (2005).
- Wain, K., E. Chapman, W. Lloyd, A.L. Boehman and J.M. Perez. Alternative and Low Sulfur Fuel Options: Boundary Lubrication Performance and Potential Problems. Tribology International, 38, 313–319, (2005).
- Alam, M., J. Song, R. Acharya A. Boehman and K. Miller. Combustion and Emissions Performance of Low Sulfur, Ultra Low Sulfur and Biodiesel Blends in a DI Diesel Engine. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2004-01-3024. SAE Transactions: Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 113:4, 1986-1997 (2004).
- Boehman, A.L., D. Morris, J. Szybist and E. Esen. The Impact of Bulk Modulus of Diesel Fuels on Fuel Injection Timing. Energy & Fuels, 18, 1877-1882 (2004).
- Song, J., V. Zello, A.L. Boehman, and F.J. Waller. Comparison of the Impact of Intake Oxygen Enrichment and Fuel Oxygenation on Diesel Combustion and Emissions. Energy & Fuels, 18, 1282-1290 (2004).
- Roan, M. A. and A. L. Boehman. The Effect of Fuel Composition and Dissolved Oxygen on Deposit Formation from Potential JP-900 Basestocks. Energy & Fuels, 18, 835-843 (2004).
- Eirich, J., E. Chapman, H. Glunt, D. Klinikowski, A.L. Boehman, J.G. Hansel and E.C. Heydorn. Development of a Dimethyl Ether (DME)-Fueled Shuttle Bus. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2003-01-0756. SAE Transactions: Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 110:4, 348-360 (2003).
- Bhide, S., D. Morris, J. Leroux, K.S. Wain, J.M. Perez and A.L. Boehman. Characterization of the Viscosity of Blends of Dimethyl Ether with Various Fuels and Additives. Energy & Fuels, 17, 1126-1132 (2003).
- Song, J., K. Cheenkakorn, J. Wang, J. Perez, A.L. Boehman, P.J. Young and F.J. Waller. Effect of Oxygenated Fuel on Combustion and Emissions in a Light-Duty Turbo Diesel Engine. Energy & Fuels, 16, 294-301 (2002).
- Flynn, P. J., M.T. Ityokumbul and A.L. Boehman. Preliminary Investigation On the Viability of 1,3-Dioxolane as an Alternative to MTBE in Reformulated Gasoline. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2001-01-3683. SAE Transactions: Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 110:4, 175-185 (2001).
- Chapman, E.M., A.L. Boehman, P.J.A. Tijm and F.J. Waller. Emissions Characteristics of a Navistar 7.3L Turbodiesel Fueled with Blends of Dimethyl Ether and Diesel Fuel. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2001-01-3626. SAE Transactions: Journal of Fuels & Lubricants, 110:4, 2166-2175 (2001).
- Gottschalk, M. R., J.R. Hellmann, B.E. Scheetz, and A. Boehman. Commercially Useful By-Products of Coal Combustion. Ceramic Transactions: Proceedings of Symposium on Science and Technology in Addressing Environmental Issues in Ceramic Engineering, 119, 125-134(2001).
- Palmisiano, M., A. L. Boehman and C. G. Pantano. Processing Effects on the Surface Composition of Glass Fiber. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 83 [10] 2423–28 (2000).
- Goel, P. and A. L. Boehman. Numerical Simulation of Jet Fuel Degradation in Flow Reactors. Energy & Fuels, 14, 953-962 (2000).
- Litzinger, T., M. Stoner, H. Hess and A. Boehman. Effects of Oxygenated Blending Compounds on Emissions from a Turbo-charged Direct Injection Diesel Engine. International Journal of Engine Research, 1, 57-70 (2000).
- Boehman, A. L. and R. W. Dibble. Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Influence of Temporal Fuel/Air Unmixedness on NOx Emissions of Lean Premixed Catalytically Stabilized and Non-Catalytic Combustion. Catalysis Today, 59, 131-140 (2000).
- Weller, D. E., W. H. Swain, H. Hess, A. L. Boehman and J. M. Perez. Changes in Particulate Composition and Morphology When Using Vegetable Oil Lubricant in a Low Heat Rejection Engine. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 1999-01-0975. SAE Transactions: Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 108:4, 394-403 (1999).
- Wilber, R. A. and A. L. Boehman. Numerical Modeling of the Reduction of Nitric Oxide by Ethylene over Cu-ZSM-5 under Lean Conditions. Catalysis Today , 50, 125-132 (1999).
- Vittal, M., J. A. Borek, D. A. Marks, A. L. Boehman, D. A. Okrent and A. P. Bentz. The Effects of Thermal Barrier Coatings on Diesel Engine Emissions. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 121, 218-225 (1999).
- Frye, C. A., A. L. Boehman and P. J. A. Tijm. A Comparison of CO and NO Emissions from Propane, n-Butane, and Dimethyl Ether Premixed Flames. Energy & Fuels, 13, 650-654 (1999).
- Boehman, A. L. Radiation Heat Transfer in Catalytic Monoliths. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, 44, 2745-2755 (1998).
- Krishnan, A. T. and A. L. Boehman. Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Ammonia at Low Temperatures. Applied Catalysis B:Environmental, 18, 189-198 (1998).
- Boehman, A. L., J. W. Simons, S. Niksa, and J. G. McCarty. Dynamic Stress Behavior in Catalytic Combustors. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 199, 164-170 (1997).
- Boehman, A. L., J. W. Simons, S. Niksa, and J. G. McCarty. Dynamic Stress Formation During Catalytic Combustion of Methane in Ceramic Monoliths. Combustion Science & Technology, 122, 257-303 (1997).
- Essenhigh, R. H and A. L. Boehman. Studies in Furnace Analysis: Prediction of the Variation of Specific Exhaust Enthalpy with Output. Energy & Fuels, 11, 447-456 (1997).
- Vittal, M. and A. L. Boehman. Functionalized Surfactants as Precursors to Dispersed Coal Liquefaction Catalysts. Energy & Fuels, 10, 1028-1029 (1996).
- Boehman, A. L., and S. Niksa. Conversion of Various Hydrocarbons Over Supported Pd During Simulated Cold-Start Conditions. Applied Catalysis B:Environmental, 8, 41-56 (1996).
- Boehman, A. L. and S. Niksa. A Catalytic Flow Reactor for Kinetic Studies of Multicomponent Reacting Mixtures on Supported Catalysts. Review of Scientific Instruments, 66, 1096-1104 (1995).
- Boehman, A. L., S. Niksa, and R. J. Moffat. A Comparison of Rate Laws for CO Oxidation Over Pt on Alumina. Society of Automotive Engineers Transactions Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 102, 268-278 (1993).
- Boehman, A. L., S. Niksa, and R. J. Moffat. Catalytic Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide in a Large Scale Planar Isothermal Passage. Society of Automotive Engineers Transactions Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 101, 1723-1732 (1992).
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Book Chapters
- Fox, M.K., G.K. Lilik, A.L. Boehman and O. Le Corre. Combustion of Syngas in Internal Combustion Engines. Chapter 10 in Synthesis Gas Combustion: Fundamentals and Applications, Eds. T. Lieuwen, V. Yang and R. Yetter, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (2010).
- Lloyd, W., J. Stefanik, K Cheenkachorn, A. Boehman (3) and J.M. Perez. Effect of Surface Coatings on Deposit-Forming Tendencies of Some Oils. Chapter 7 in Biobased Industrial Fluids and Lubricants, Eds. S. Erhan and J. Perez, American Oil Chemists Society Press, Champaign, IL (2002).
- Perez, J.M. and A.L. Boehman. Environmentally Friendly Fuels and Lubricants. Chapter 6 in Biobased Industrial Fluids and Lubricants, Eds. S. Erhan and J. Perez, American Oil Chemists Society Press, Champaign, IL (2002).
- Hess, H. S., M. A. Roan, S. Bhalla, S. Butnark, V. Zarnescu, A. L. Boehman (2), P.J.A. Tijm, F. J. Waller. Reduction of Particulate Emissions from a Single-Cylinder IDI Engine with Oxygenated Diesel Fuels, Chapter 14 in Chemistry of Diesel Fuels, Eds. C. Song, C. S. Hsu and I. Mochida, pp. 255-288, Taylor and Francis, New York, NY (2000).
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Conference and Non-Referred Publications
- D. Kang, V. Kalaskar and A. Boehman, “Auto-Ignition Characteristics of Conventional and Synthetic Alternative Jet Fuels in a Motored Engine and an Optically Accessible Constant Volume Spray Combustion Chamber,” American Chemical Society National Meeting, August 21-25, 2016, Philadelphia, PA. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuels 2016, 61(2), 674-676.
- K. H. Yoo, J. Hoard, A. Boehman, and M. Gegich. Experimental Studies of EGR Cooler Fouling on a GDI Engine. SAE Technical Paper No. 2016-01-1090.
- J. Martin, C. Sun, A. Boehman, and J. O’Connor. Experimental Study of Post Injection Scheduling for Soot Reduction in a Light-Duty Turbodiesel Engine. SAE Technical Paper No. 2016-01-0726.
- J. Koczak, A. Boehman, and M. Brusstar. Particulate Emissions in GDI Vehicle Transients: An Examination of FTP, HWFET, and US06 Measurements. SAE Technical Paper No. 2016-01-0992.
- T. Kim, D. Kang, and A. Boehman, “Compressed Liquid Density and the Bulk Modulus of Conventional Jet Fuels and Jet Fuel Surrogates,” American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, August 2015. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuels 2015, 60(2), 535-537.
- A. Boehman, “Dimethyl Ether as a Transportation Fuel: Current Status and Recent Developments,” American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, August 2015. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuels 2015, 60(2), 400-401.
- Barrientos, E., A.L. Boehman, J. Anderson and M. Maricq. Impact of Ester Structures on the Soot Characteristics and Soot Oxidative Reactivity of Biodiesel. SAE 2015 International Congress and Exposition, SAE Technical Paper No. 2015-01-1080.
- Prabhakar, B. and A. Boehman. High Efficiency Combustion with DME and Propane Fumigation into Diesel Engine Intake Air. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuels, 59(2), 618-617 (2014).
- Sun C., D. Kang, S.V. Bohac and A.L. Boehman, Impact of Fuel and Injection Timing on Partially-Premixed Charge Compression Ignition (PCCI) Combustion Mode. In Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuels, 59(2), 139-141 (2014).
- Kang, D., V. Kaslaskar, J. Martz, A. Violi and A. Boehman. Reaction Pathway and Elementary Ignition Behavior of Surrogates for JP-8 and Alternative JP-8 Fuels. In Prep. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuels, 59(1), 471-472 (2014).
- Prabhakar, B., S. Jayaraman, R. Vander Wal and A. Boehman. Experimental Studies of High Efficiency Combustion with Fumigation of DME and Propane into Diesel Engine Intake Air. ASME 2013 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Paper No. IEF2013-19259.
- Maxey, C., V. Kalaskar, D. Kang and A. Boehman. Impact of Supplemental Natural Gas on Engine Efficiency, Performance, and Emissions. SAE Technical Paper No 2013-01-0847.
- Yehliu, K., R.L. Vander Wal, A.L. Boehman, Impacts of Ultra Clean Fuels on Diesel Soot Nanostructure and Reactivity, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 56 (2), (2011).
- Boehman, A.L., Ultra Low Sulfur Fuels – Impacts of Advanced HDS Strategies on Automotive Emissions, Fuel Economy and Energy Security, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 55(2), (2010).
- Seong, H. J. and A.L. Boehman, Raman spectroscopy for the study of soot crystalline structure and soot oxidative reactivity, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 55(1), 150-151 (2010).
- Perez, P.L. and A.L. Boehman, Low-Temperature Oxidation of Hydrocarbon Fuels in a Motored Engine, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 55(1), 566-567 (2010).
- Yehliu, K., R.L. Vander Wal and A.L. Boehman, Impacts of Biodiesel and Fischer-Tropsch Fuels on the Reactivity and Nanostructure of Diesel Soot, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 55(1), 146-148 (2010).
- Yehliu, K., G. K. Lilik, R. L. Vander Wal and A.L. Boehman, The Impact of Advanced Diesel Combustion Operation on Soot Nanostructure and Reactivity, In ACS Petroleum Chemistry Division Preprints, 55(1), 103-105 (2010).
- Yehliu, K., O. Armas and A.L. Boehman, Exhaust Emission and Combustion Behavior of Biodiesel Fuel in a Compression Ignition Engine, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 54(2), 773-775 (2009).
- Mueller, C.J., G.C. Martin and A.L. Boehman, Investigation of the Origin of Increased NOx Emissions in a Heavy-Duty Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Soy Biodiesel, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 54(2), 761-763 (2009).
- Zhang, Y. and A.L. Boehman, Low Temperature Oxidation of Methyl Hexanoate in a Motored CFR Engine, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 54(2), 764-766 (2009).
- Yehliu, K., R. Vander Wal and A.L. Boehman, Reactivity and Nanostructure of Diesel Soot Generated by a Compression Ignition Engine Using Biodiesel, Fischer-Tropsch and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuels, Eastern 2009 Fall Technical Meeting, University of Maryland College Park, October 18-21, 2009.
- Seong, H. J. and A. L. Boehman, Impact of Intake Oxygen Enrichment in a Diesel Engine on the Crystalline Structure and Oxidative Reactivity of Diesel Soot, Eastern 2009 Fall Technical Meeting, University of Maryland College Park, October 18-21, 2009.
- Perez, P. L. and A. L. Boehman, Autoignition Behavior of Surrogate Gasoline Fuels during Spray Combustion in a Constant-Volume Chamber, Eastern 2009 Fall Technical Meeting, University of Maryland College Park, October 18-21, 2009.
- Zhang, H., G.K. Lilik, A. L. Boehman and D. C. Haworth, Effects of Fuel Composition, Turbulence, and Turbulence/Chemistry Interactions on Emissions from Compression-Ignition Engines, Eastern 2009 Fall Technical Meeting, University of Maryland College Park, October 18-21, 2009.
- Barrientos, E. J. and A. L. Boehman, Examination of sooting tendency of three ring aromatic hydrocarbons and their saturated counterparts, Eastern 2009 Fall Technical Meeting, University of Maryland College Park, October 18-21, 2009.
- Heyne, J.S. and A.L. Boehman, S. Kirby, Development of a Drop-in Unifuel/Single Battlefield Fuel of High Thermal Stability, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 54(1), 35-37 (2009).
- Yehliu, K., O. Armas and A.L. Boehman, Exhaust Emission and Combustion Behavior of Fischer-Tropsch Fuel in a Compression Ignition Engine, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 54(1), 72-74 (2009).
- Heyne, J. S. and A. L. Boehman, Proposed Reactivity Mechanism for Trans- and Cis-Decalin and Implications for the Development of JP-900, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 54(1), 41-42 (2009).
- Yang, Y., A.L. Boehman, Structure-Activity Relationship in Low Temperature Oxidation of Cyclic Hydrocarbons, In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 54(1), 38-40 (2009).
- Al-Qurashi, K. and A.L. Boehman. The Impacts of Simulated Exhaust Gas Recirculation on the Oxidative Reactivity of Diesel Soot. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 51(2), 805-807 (2006).
- Szybist, J.P. and A.L. Boehman. Low Temperature Ignition Behavior of Methyl Decanoate. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 51(1), 22-23 (2006).
- Chapman, E. and A.L. Boehman. Emissions Characteristics of a Light Duty Diesel Engine Fueled with a Hydrogenated Biodiesel Fuel. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 51(1), 31-32 (2006).
- Song, J., M. Alam and A.L. Boehman. Examination of the Behavior Of Biodiesel Soot. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 51(1), 53-56 (2006).
- Yang, Y., J.P. Szybist, and A.L. Boehman. Low Temperature Oxidation of Methylcyclohexane in an SI Engine. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 51(1), 329-330 (2006).
- Acharya, R., M. Alam and A.L. Boehman. Fuel and System Interaction Effects on Urea-SCR Control of NOx in Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment. Society of Automotive Engineers Paper Number 2006-01-0638.
- Chapman, E., S. Pflumm, E. Kung, R. Acharya, J. Saxon, B. Feldman, B. Herrold, K. Wilson, P. Safabakhsh, M. Shirk, J. Caserta, A. Boehman, D. Haworth, H. Koga, T. Tadros, D. Maglast, and L. Blackman. Penn State FutureTruck Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Light-Duty Diesel Exhaust Emission Control System to meet ULEV Emissions Standard. Society of Automotive Engineers Paper Number 2005-01-3877.
- Szybist, J.P. and A.L. Boehman. Auto-Ignition Behavior of Methyl Decanoate. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 50(2), 730-731 (2005).
- Kirby, S.R., A.L. Boehman, and D.J. Clifford. Evaluation of Coal-Based Diesel Products Affect on Fuel Quality. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 50(2), 732-733 (2005).
- Alam, M., J. Song and A. Boehman. In-cylinder Combustion Visualization of Ultra Low Sulfur, Neat Biodiesel and Biodiesel Blended Fuels. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 50(1), 412-414 (2005).
- Boehman, A. L., M. Maroto-Valer, A. W. Scaroni and H. H. Schobert. Fossil and Renewable Fuels Challenges for the 21st Century. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 49(2), 724-727 (2004).
- Boehman, A.L., J. P. Szybist, J. Song, V. Zello, M. Alam, K. Miller. Combustion Characterization of GTL Diesel Fuel. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 49(2), 714-716 (2004).
- Yang, Y., A. L. Boehman and R. J. Santoro. Jet Fuel Sooting Tendency: A Comparative Study. In ACS Petroleum Chemistry Division Preprints, 49(4), 525-528 (2004).
- Boehman, A. L., M. Maroto-Valer, A. W. Scaroni and H. H. Schobert. Fossil and Renewable Fuels Challenges for the 21st Century. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 49(2), 724-727 (2004).
- Song, J., M. Alam, A. L. Boehman and K. Miller. Characterization of Diesel and Biodiesel Soot. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 49(2), 767-769 (2004).
- Fox, M. and A. L. Boehman. Simulation & NOx Correlation for Coal-Fired Boiler. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 49(2), 824-825 (2004).
- Chapman, E., M. Hile, M. Pague, J. Song and A. Boehman. Eliminating the NOx Emissions Increase Associated with Biodiesel. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 48(2), 639-640 (2003).
- Szybist, J., J. Simmons, M. Druckenmiller, K. Al-Qurashi, A. Boehman (2) and A. Scaroni. Potential Methods for NOx Reduction from Biodiesel. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2003-01-3205.
- Boehman, A., J. Song, M. Alam, V. Zello and K. Miller. Fuel Formulation Effects on Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 48(2), 634-635 (2003).
- Szybist J., D. Morris, A.L. Boehman and E. Esen. Diesel Fuel Formulation Effects on Injection Timing and Emissions. In ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 48(1), 428-429 (2003).
- Eirich, J., E. Chapman, H. Glunt, D. Klinikowski, A.L. Boehman, J.G. Hansel and E.C. Heydorn, “Development of a Dimethyl Ether (DME)-Fueled Shuttle Bus,” Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2003-01-0756. Presented at the SAE 2003 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, March 2003.
- Szybist, J.P. and A.L. Boehman, “Behavior of a Diesel Injection System with Biodiesel Fuel,” Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2003-01-1039. Presented at the SAE 2003 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, March 2003.
- Song, J., M. Alam, V. Zello, A.L. Boehman, B. Bishop and F. Walton, “Fuel Sulfur Effect on Membrane Coated Diesel Particulate Filter,” Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2002-01-2788. Presented at the SAE Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, October 2002.
- Roan, M.A. and A. L. Boehman, “Thermal Stability as a Function of Fuel Composition,” in ACS Petroleum Chemistry Division Preprints, 47(3), 174-177 (2002).
- Bhide, S., E. Chapman, J. Stefanik, H. Glunt, L.I. Boehman, A.L. Boehman, F.J. Waller, “Development of a Dimethyl Ether-Fueled Shuttle Bus,“ in ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 47(2), 562-563 (2002).
- Song, J., V. Zello, A.L. Boehman, P.J. Young and F.J. Waller, “Comparison of the Impact of Intake Oxygen Enrichment and Fuel Oxygenation on Diesel Particulate Emissions,” in ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 47(2), 778-799 (2002).
- Pavlikov, V., S.Solovyov, E.Garmash, A.Shamrai, I.Pleskach (IPMS NAS of Ukraine) and A.Boehman. Development of Porous Ceramic Filters with Catalytic Coating for Diesel Particulate Removal. Presented at the International Conference on Advanced Ceramics for the Third Millennium, November 5-9, 2001, Kiev, Ukraine.
- Bhide, S.V., Boehman, A.L. and Perez, J.M., “Viscosity of DME-Diesel Fuel Blends,” in ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 46(2), 400-401 (2001).
- Rudnik, M.K., J.M. Perez, and A.L. Boehman, “Thermophoretic Sampling of Diesel Particulate,” in ACS Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 46(2), 597-598 (2001)
- Hess, H.S., J. Szybist, A. L. Boehman, P.J.A. Tijm and F.J. Waller. Impact of Oxygenated Fuel on Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Paper No. NHTC01-11462. Presented at the ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Anaheim, CA, June, 2001.
- Hess, H.S., A.L. Boehman and R.C. Anderson. Optimization and Comparison of Two Methods for Determination of Diesel Particulate Emissions. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2000-01-2956. Presented at the 2000 SAE Fall Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Baltimore, October, 2000.
- Chapman, E.M., S.V. Bhide, A.L. Boehman, P.J.A. Tijm and F.J. Waller. Emission Characteristics of a Navistar 7.3L Turbodiesel Fueled with Blends of Oxygenates and Diesel. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2000-01-2887. Presented at the 2000 SAE Fall Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Baltimore, October, 2000.
- Hess, H.S., A.L. Boehman, P.J.A. Tijm and F.J. Waller. Experimental Studies of the Impact of CETANERTM on Diesel Combustion and Emissions. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper No. 2000-01-2886. Presented at the 2000 SAE Fall Fuels , Detroit, MI, March, 1999.and Lubricants Meeting, Baltimore, October, 2000.
- Roan, M.A., J. Goodeliunas, J. Baçak and A.L. Boehman. Flow Reactor Studies of Petroleum-Derived Jet Fuels. In ACS Preprints, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, 45 (3), pp. 538-541 (2000).
- Hess, H. S., J. Szybist, A.L. Boehman, P.J.A. Tijm and F.J. Waller. The Use of CETANERTM for the Reduction of Particulate Matter Emissions in a Turbocharged Direct Injection Medium-Duty Diesel Engine. Seventeenth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, September 11-15, (2000)
- Hess, H. S., J. A. Chiodo, A. L. Boehman, P.J.A. Tijm and F.J. Waller. The Use of CETANERTM for the Reduction of Particulate Matter Emissions in a Turbocharged Direct Injection (TDI) Diesel Engine. Sixteenth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 11-15, (1999).
- Boehman, A. L. and P.J.A. Tijm. Incorporating Oxygen in Diesel Fuel as a Means of Reducing Engine Emissions. Presented at the 1998 Diesel Engine Emissions Reduction Workshop, Castine, ME, July, 1998.
- Goel, P. and A. L. Boehman. Bridging Batch and Flow Reactor Studies of Jet Fuel Degradation. In ACS Preprints, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, 43 (3), pp. 382-386 (1998).
- Hess, H. S., M. A. Roan, S. Bhalla, S. Butnark, V. Zarnescu, A. L. Boehman, P.J.A. Tijm, F. J. Waller. Reduction of Particulate Emissions from a Single-Cylinder IDI Engine with Oxygenated Diesel Fuels. In ACS Preprints, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, 43(4), pp. 593-596 (1998).
- Boehman, A. L., W. H. Swain, D. E. Weller and J. M. Perez. Use of Vegetable Oil Lubricant in a Low Heat Rejection Engine to Reduce Particulate Emissions. SAE paper no. 980887 presented at the 1998 International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, February, 1998.
- Frye, C. A., A. L. Boehman and P. J. A. Tijm. A Comparison of Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Butane, Propane, and Dimethyl Ether Flames. In Proc. 1997 Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Hartford, CT, pp. 411-414.
- Boehman, A. L., A. Schlegel and R. W. Dibble. Numerical Study of the Influence of Temporal Fuel/Air Unmixedness on NOx Emissions in Lean Premixed Catalytically Stabilized Combustion. In Proc. 1997 Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Hartford, CT, pp. 403-406.
- Vittal, M., J. A. Borek, A. L. Boehman and D. A. Okrent. The Influence of Thermal Barrier Coatings on the Composition of Diesel Particulate Emissions. SAE paper no. 972958 presented at the 1997 SAE Fall Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, Tulsa, OK, October, 1997. Published in Combustion and Emissions in Diesel Engines, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Warrendale, PA, pp. 1-6.
- Wilber, R. A. and A. L. Boehman. Numerical Modeling of the Reduction of Nitric Oxide by Ethylene over Cu-ZSM-5 under Lean Conditions. In ACS Preprints, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, 42(3), pp. 630-633 (1997).
- Anand, T. K., M. Vittal and A. L. Boehman. Bench and Pilot-Scale Characterization of Low Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx. In ACS Preprints, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, 42(3), pp. 622-626 (1997).
- Boehman, A. L., M. Vittal, J. A. Borek, D. A. Marks and A. P. Bentz. The Effects of Thermal Barrier Coatings on Diesel Engine Emissions. In Proc. 19th Annual Fall Technical Conf. of the ASME Internal Combustion Engines Division, ICE-Vol. 29-3, Vol. 3, pp. 33-40 (1997).
- Vittal, M. and A. L. Boehman. Thermal Analysis of Diesel Particulate Matter. Proc. 23rd Biennial Conf. on Carbon, July, 1997, Vol. II, pp. 344-345.
- Sanghani, P. C. and A. L. Boehman. Study of Incipient Carbon Deposition from Tetradecane in the Presence of Additives. Proc. 23rd Biennial Conf. on Carbon, July, 1997, Vol. II, pp. 314-315.
- Marks, D.A. and A. L. Boehman. The Influence of Thermal Barrier Coatings on Morphology and Composition of Diesel Particulates. SAE paper no. 970756 presented at the 1997 International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, March, 1997. Published in Diesel Engine Combustion Processes and Emission Control Technologies, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA, pp. 51-60.
- Boehman, A. L. Numerical Modeling of NO Reduction Over Cu-ZSM-5 Under Lean Conditions. SAE paper no. 970752 presented at the 1997 International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, March, 1997. Published in Diesel Engine Combustion Processes and Emission Control Technologies, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA, pp. 11-17.
- Boehman, A. L. The Influence of Radiation Heat Transfer on Catalytic Combustor Warm-Up. In Proc. 1996 Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 133-146.
- Frye, C. A. and A. L. Boehman. A Parametric Analysis of the Effect of Activation Energy on the Warm-Up of Natural Gas-Fired Catalytic Combustors. In Proc. 1996 Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 139-142.
- Boehman, A. L., J. W. Simons, S. J. Niksa and J. G. MCCarty. Dynamic Stress Behavior in Catalytic Combustors. HTD-Vol. 335, Proc. ASME Heat Transfer Division, 1996 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vol. 4, pp. 315-322.
- Sanghani, P. C. and A. L. Boehman. Quantitative Degradation Studies of Coal Derived Jet Fuel Using Statistical Analysis. In ACS Preprints, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, 41(2), pp. 529-533 (1996).
- Boehman, A. L. A Finite Difference Method for Modeling the Catalytic Combustion of Methane. Proc. 9th Int’l Conf. on Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, Atlanta, July, 1995. Eds. R.W. Lewis and P. Durbetaki, Pineridge Press, pp. 617-628.
- Boehman, A. L., and S. Niksa. Conversion of Various Hydrocarbons Over Supported Pd During Simulated Cold-Start Conditions. SAE paper no. 932761 presented at the 1993 Fall Fuels and Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, October, 1993. Published in Advanced Emission Control Technologies: SP-997, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA, pp. 139-148.
- Boehman, A. L., S. Niksa, and R. J. Moffat. Design of a Catalytic Reactor Experiment Using Numerical Modeling. Proc. 7th Int’l. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, Stanford University, July, 1991. Eds. R. W. Lewis, J. H. Chin, and G. M. Homsy, Pineridge Press, pp. 1336-1345.
- Hollingsworth, D. K., A. L. Boehman, E. G. Smith and R. J. Moffat. Measurement of Temperature and Heat Transfer Coefficient Distributions in a Complex Flow Using Liquid Crystal Thermography and True-Color Image Processing. Presented at 1989 ASME Winter Annual Meeting. In Collected Papers in Heat Transfer, eds. W. J. Marner, T. S. Chen, M. Fagri, G. P. Peterson, T. H. Kuehn, M. B. Pate, R. L. Mahajan and A. S. Lavine, HTD-Vol. 123, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 35-42.
- Boehman, A. L. A Study on Free Convection Heat Transfer from Two Dimensional Corners and Inclined Planes. Proc. 4th Int’l Conf. on Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, Swansea, UK, July, 1985. Eds. R. W. Lewis and K. Morgan, Pineridge Press, pp. 446-57.
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