Alternative IC Engine Fuels

In-Cylinder Imaging of Alternative IC Engine Fuels in Production Engines

Students:   Jennifer Stefanik, Elana Chapman, Juhun Song, James Szybist

Prof. Tom Litzinger, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University
Prof. Dan Haworth, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University
Prof. Andr‚ Boehman, Deparment of Energy & Geo-Environmental Engineering, Penn State University

National Science Foundation, Combustion and Thermal Plasmas Program, Program Manager – Farley Fisher
NSF Research Equipment Grant program, CTS#0079073, for purchase of an AVL 513D Engine Videoscope

To improve the understanding of how alternative, reformulated and oxygenated fuels affect diesel combustion and emissions.

Several uses of the AVL Videoscope system have been accomplished so far. Videos can be seen in the Video Gallery.

Alternative IC Engine Fuels (1)
Alternative IC Engine Fuels (2)

Cummins 24-Valve 5.9L “ISB” Turbodiesel Engine Installed in a 250 Hp Test Cell
and Installation of AVL Engine Videoscope Probes